Saturday, October 27, 2007


I've been tagged by Katie to tell where you were 10/20/30 years ago.

1997 ~ Life was good. Rick was working, Steven was 10 and I was working part-time at the scaffolding company... just enough to keep me out of trouble. I was also busy with volunteer stuff... PTG at school, Call-a-Ride and the food pantry.

1987 ~ Life was good. I was a brand new mom... just staying home and cuddling my 4 week old baby. I quit my wonderful job at the BMV when I found out I was pregnant earlier that year. We were still living out of town in the country and moved the following year.

1977 ~ Life was good. I had just moved in with my sister Cat to start my Sophomore year at Hebron. I was having a blast... basketball, pep club, art club, dances, friends, parties... all the great stuff you do in high school.

Hmmm... do I see a pattern? Yes, I think so. I must say that I have a pretty good life. It has it's bumps.... and sometimes I feel like I'm actually on a roller coaster, but heck... what fun would it be just to drive straight and go 40 mph all the time?

I'm going to TAG...
Janelle and Judy
Get posting girls!


Katie said...

Life is good!

Pam said...

I agree - Life is Good.